Nice, Bill! I'm still processing all of this, but I appreciate your mixed emotions.

I've been "offline" for most of the last 2 months as we've had a lot going on at home (in a good way). I've commented on a few Substack discussions, but haven't written anything myself (a few false starts though).

Let's hope the chaos continues to abate as the Quadefendant begins to face the long overdue music.

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Really good one Bill. I'm glad you qualified your comment that "Putin was able to deliver devastating blows to railroads and electric power plants. Americans let that happen." You, I, and most of the folks who are reading your post did what they could to motivate the Congress but, in the end, our efforts came to not much compared to cynical political calculations.

This behavior on the part of the failed insurrectionist, the pseudo-Speaker of the House, and several of his colleagues in Congress certainly strikes me as tantamount to treason as well. There is an excellent discussion of this topic, mostly in non-lawyer English, at ConstitutionCenter.org, the website of the National Constitution Center. Written by Paul T. Crane of the DoJ, and Deborah Pearlstein, a professor at the Cardozo Law School of Yeshiva University. Having read it, while I find the history of the quadefendant's anti-government behavior despicable, I'm not sure I'd want to bring an indictment knowing only what is on the public record right now. (N.B, a link to the article is in the comments below.)

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I'm unable to find it - how do I get to the article you are mentioning from the home page you link? My search yields a list...

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I had the devil's own time finding a sharable link, but I think this will work


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Oh dear, I'm sorry but thank you so much for finding it. It does work perfectly.

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Glad to hear that, thanks for letting me know.

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Your little red demons will possess your heart forever! I’ve got 2 blues 👍🏼

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I vote big affirmation for the photo of the hamburger, Bill.

Appreciate much the substance of your text -- the mixed emotion, the assault from our white trash in Congress allied to thugs like Putin and our own orange rapist, criminal defendant, and stoker of sensationalism and hate all otherwise vacuous.

But that hamburger shows you also know some good vitality, life-affirming pleasure yourself.

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I have a friend who calls it "food porn". I say "Food glorious food...may I have some more...sir?"

For us, meat is a treat. We are omnivores with a diet heavy with home grown vegetables. We are also fans of Julia Childs who was famous for saying: "Eat everything! But just a little bit."

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I have not seen any reports that make Mike Johnson sound like much of a hero TBH... Just a willingness to keep our (DEM) part of a bargain that got this Finally on the floor for a vote. Many don't mention the part about asking Ukraine to pay back money used to repair infrastructure which is embarrassing, but at least if it can be put off long enough the loan can be forgiven = a thing Biden does well ; ).

Your puppies are adorable. Their attention is so clearly riveted on you. They expect great things out of you! Like maybe treats! pats! fun! walks!

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The pups are siblings who belong separately to my step son and step daughter. This was from a play date. But during today's visit Maeve cleaned my ears and washed my face. Then moved on to my wife.

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Mike S here. Good to see you posting. Thanks for the upbeat, optimistic post!

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Hey Mike,

Many of us miss your "observations". Hope all is well with you.

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Budmo! Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦!

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As always, Mahalo/Thank you for sharing your insights & voice of reason

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Thanks Cathy. Writing is my therapy. So is growing food. The asparagus is poking its head up! About a week before the 6 week long annual asparagus festival!

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Love the doggos! Copying your Cheers in Ukrainians pic to post🥰‼️

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Woof Woof! They belong to the "kids". Today Maeve cleaned my ears and washed my face. Oy. They are really sweet.

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