It is possible to experience anger, fear, astonishment and joy at the same time. That was my Saturday April 20, 2024.
Most Americans and lovers of democracy around the world were thrilled that our House of Representatives finally passed legislation in support of Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. The bills will head to the Senate and to President Biden’s desk in short order. Finally.
My reaction was one of relief and renewed hope for Ukraine. Stopping Putin’s theft of a neighbor’s sovereignty is essential. But I also couldn’t suppress my fury that such an obvious effort to support the world order would take so long. Since last fall, Russian forces have gained the advantage as Ukrainian fighters have run out of materiel - artillery shells, ammunition and air cover. The delay kneecapped our ally. Putin was able to deliver devastating blows to railroads and electric power plants. Americans let that happen. Why?
There is a direct line that connects the leader of our House of Representatives to Donald Trump who admires Vladimir Putin - who has always played the long game. Remember that Trump told Johnson to kill the Border Security Bill that was negotiated in the Senate by a bipartisan group - the bill Republicans wanted in order approve Ukraine and Israel funding. Trump didn’t want Biden to have a victory. Trump is running a shadow government. No other American former president has done that. I call it treason.
House Leader Mike Johnson has now been “allowed” to support the funding of Ukraine’s resistance. His master(s) has determined that further obstruction would be politically counter productive. American support for Ukraine is very strong. A presidential candidate who opposes it risks losing an election. And so, in the most cynical strategic way, Johnson was told to bring the bills up for a vote.
Johnson is being regarded as some sort of legislative hero. I think he is a puppet.
I continued my day feeling that mix of emotions. Mostly excited about America redeeming itself. We had previously planned to meet some friends for dinner. The eatery was an old friendly place. Lots of dark wood and leather booths - perfect for four people to actually hear each other over the usual dining room din. This place fosters conversation. The food and the company were great.
A server with a smile approached the booth promptly. Always a good sign. Drinks were served quickly. She recited the “specials”. My wife asked her where her “lovely accent” came from. She said Ukraine. A chill ran down my spine. How could this be happening on the day that America finally regained its footing? And how would I have felt if we had dined out the week before?
My wife asked “Anna” more questions.
”How many languages do you speak?”
She cheerfully responded “Four - Ukrainian, Russian, English and Polish”.
Then she asked “Do you have family in Ukraine?”
”Just my mother. She lives near the Russian border.”
Can you get her to America?
”She won’t leave. She considers herself a patriot”.
I went to sleep last night with less cynicism in mind. My thoughts were dominated by the face of the smiling server and our mutual sense of celebration. We had raised a glass to her and to Ukraine. And we wished her mother well…
And, I did promise some of you more puppy pictures. Here are “Peaches” and “Maeve” in a rare quiet moment. usually they are wrestling.
Nice, Bill! I'm still processing all of this, but I appreciate your mixed emotions.
I've been "offline" for most of the last 2 months as we've had a lot going on at home (in a good way). I've commented on a few Substack discussions, but haven't written anything myself (a few false starts though).
Let's hope the chaos continues to abate as the Quadefendant begins to face the long overdue music.