Nice job, Bill! I was especially struck by your mention of "we" vs. "me." That's the essence of the difference between the Ds and Rs nowadays, and something we need to focus on. As a society, we're much stronger, productive, and better off TOGETHER!
Bill, thanks for bringing the 'town hall' vibe to familiarize those of us who haven't attended. I'm guessing you're referencing your Massachusetts location(?). Congratulations to all your concerned and participating neighbors on a job well done!
Yes, MA. In this case, the "Town Meeting" delivered good results. But generally, the people who have agendas get things done that the majority may disagree with.
The Town Meeting consists of two consequetive nights lasting for several hours. Most residents can't or won't participate. So, basically it is rule by a vocal few.
Nice job, Bill! I was especially struck by your mention of "we" vs. "me." That's the essence of the difference between the Ds and Rs nowadays, and something we need to focus on. As a society, we're much stronger, productive, and better off TOGETHER!
Bill, thanks for bringing the 'town hall' vibe to familiarize those of us who haven't attended. I'm guessing you're referencing your Massachusetts location(?). Congratulations to all your concerned and participating neighbors on a job well done!
Yes, MA. In this case, the "Town Meeting" delivered good results. But generally, the people who have agendas get things done that the majority may disagree with.
The Town Meeting consists of two consequetive nights lasting for several hours. Most residents can't or won't participate. So, basically it is rule by a vocal few.
Great idea in the 17th or 18th century.
Love the ‘me’ to ‘we’ graphic!
Love this, and heartily agree.