May 30Liked by Bill Alstrom (MAtoMainetoMA)

Thank you so much for sharing . Sadly…it is a manifesto for a living nightmare and it terrifies me . Will share and share again

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Thank you for sharing this Bill. I have been telling many people about Project 2025 who had not heard of it, or didn’t think it was anything to worry about. As your post today points out, it most certainly is and everyone should be very afraid and vote blue!

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Scary stuff, Bill. The Katie Couric piece at the end is particularly alarming.

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Just shared this with my sister, who is politically progressive but didn’t know about Project 2025. This is perfect for sharing widely.

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Thank you Bill for doing this!! I will check this out right away.

Your neighbor Rob.

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The coup is indeed underway.

It has been well planned

and will be executed

REGARDLESS of the results of the election.

This intention was publicly announced

some time ago.

They are going to unleash blitzkreig

and will stop at nothing

to destroy the opposition.

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