Jun 22Liked by Bill Alstrom (MAtoMainetoMA)

A difficult subject to focus on, Bill, but thanks for doing it. It's painful to realize the human species has produced beings capable of devising such a murderous script for cultural and planetary annihilation under the auspices of political policy, but there it is for all America to read and contemplate. If the majority of the nation's citizens vote for this MAGA madness the stage will be set for armageddon and it won't take long for the horror of that to engulf us all. I find it hard to believe that people I encounter harbor the illusion that the upcoming election is "politics as usual," but there are armies of these mindless reactionaries out there in TV Land. Wake up America! The GOP of Trump is not a political party; it is a "domestic terrorist force" as Robert Hubbell has often described it and their intention is to destroy liberal democracy and tear up the Constitution. Vote as if your life depends upon the outcome because it does!

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Jun 22Liked by Bill Alstrom (MAtoMainetoMA)

You are indeed a trooper to get through the entire dismal document Bill; congratulations and thanks. The level of amorphous fear that must be driving the creators of Project 2025 is almost inconceivable and, after we defeat them decisively 4 1/2 months from now, we should provide such help as might be available to encourage them to see the world as it is, not as they are terrified it might become. We need to avoid falling into the same trap ourselves. It will be interesting on Thursday to see how long the Convicted Felon and failed insurrectionist lasts before having a very public and unavoidably visible meltdown. One hopes that will seal his electoral fate for at least the 70% of the population that aren't committed cultists.

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Thanks Dave. I read that the president is preparing for the "debate" with help from his former chief of staff - a super smart guy. I share your hope that Trump will indeed melt down as he usually does - but this time so thoroughly that it reveals his vile form of mental illness.

If nothing else, the clips of his incoherent blathering compared to Bidens careful and knowledgeable discussion will give us the 70% we need.

The election needs to be very decisive for the Republicans to perform a post election autopsy and recognize that MAGA is not healthy for the survival of the GOP.

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Jun 22Liked by Bill Alstrom (MAtoMainetoMA)

I've read the same about Biden, and that the former president is holding "informal conversations", probably with about the same content value as his meeting with the Business Roundtable last week that went not very well. It's an open question whether or not there is enough of an adult GOP to hold an effective postmortem, but if we're successful down ballot as well as at the federal level, we can put them in a position where they have no choice. Have a great weekend.

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Jun 22Liked by Bill Alstrom (MAtoMainetoMA)

Project 2025 is fascism. Plain and simple. It is a death cult pretending to be the opposite.

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I just watched the John Oliver Project 2025 segment - linked from Joyce Vances letter.

He demolished it, of course. It's his job to make jokes about everything. But I didn't really laugh....it is too terrifying.

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Terrifying is right.

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Jun 22Liked by Bill Alstrom (MAtoMainetoMA)

I'm just now realizing the extent to which Trump ISNT actually the linchpin to this movement, but only, as he is with Putin, a 'useful idiot' and that is to the Heritage Foundation and it's extremist supporters, along with the extremist Federalist Society under Leonard Leo that drives the judicial appointments to the courts.

Trump is only the clown show who has whipped up our outrage and diverted our attention the the machinations attempting to overthrow our constitution and the democratic norms we have assumed..

Thank you for this series about the atrocious 2025 plans.

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Thanks for weighing in. Someone sitting near me thinks you are really smart and have a great sense of humor. :) :) We're going to need it.

When I was a Facebook regular I found your comments to be wonderful. And you "get" dogs! As the family says ... "what's not to like?"


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Awww, thanks Bill (and Bonnie and Sophie)🥰

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The coup has been underway, of course, since Citizens United, in 2010.

Or, since the Powell memo of August 23, 1971.

Or since Ft. Sumpter, 1861.

Or since the founding of the United States, which included legalizing slave owning, and the building of personal riches based on slavery, along with the rights of institutionalized illiteracy, torture, murder, and rape, which slavery entailed.

I, too, salute Bill Alstrom for his patience in wading through the nightmare of Project 2025. It expands the continuum of Citizens United, the Powell memo, Ft. Sumpter, and the slave-based original founding. It coheres with all the dehumanization of standardized testing, by which billionaire elites organized to kill the human in American schools, to reduce all to the continued assembly of "life" as numbers only, abstracted units, group categories, all supervised by elite living dead.

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Thanks for this series, Bill. You've distilled it to its essence and spared us the pain of poring thru this frightening manifesto. Even if we survive the 2024 election, this will be a Sword of Damocles for ages to come.

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