Mar 10Liked by Bill Alstrom (MA-Maine-MA)

What a treat, following your journey. Here’s to hoping many others are following in your footsteps. These aren’t your dad’s Republicans.

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My parents were loyal to "Ike". They both served under him. Met in a hospital in Italy. Mom nursed Dad back to health. And they got me!

The fight against fascism is in the family DNA.

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Mar 10Liked by Bill Alstrom (MA-Maine-MA)

You're right about the massive shift in the GOP and conservative thought. I'd like to think the extremism is recent, but Gingrich, Regan, and Stone were pioneering hypocrites. Goldwater's warning about republican's linking up with the SBC played out, and here we are.

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Mar 10Liked by Bill Alstrom (MA-Maine-MA)

Wow, that is outstanding Bill. That it could also be my autobiography is purely coincidental. I'd add a couple of paragraphs on the bastardization of the terms 'libertarian' and 'anarchist' that have as little meaning any more as 'liberal' or 'conservative'. At least part of the challenge we face in having an effective political conversation in a civil society is the "Through the Looking Glass" approach to language that has become the vogue in much of the world. If we can all agree that words have meanings and what those meanings are, we might be able to make some real progress toward the goals expressed in the Declaration. OTOH, I'm reading Howard Zinn's 'People's History' and he suggests that the fight will be much more difficult than we imagine.

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Mar 11Liked by Bill Alstrom (MA-Maine-MA)

Mahalo/Thank you for sharing !!

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Thanks for reading!

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Miss you guys more than you know .

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Mar 11Liked by Bill Alstrom (MA-Maine-MA)

Amen Bill. As MLK said, and I believe, “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” We have definitely hit a rough patch, unfortunately on our watch which is discouraging; but I believe evolution will take care of this over time. According to Darwin stupid never prevails for long. The downside is that the solution may not include the human race. Mother nature makes no mistakes. Stay the course, and thanks for sharing.

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Thanks for reading and weighing in.

The Earth will recover from our brief but unspectacular stay. /S

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