Sep 8Liked by Bill Alstrom (MAtoMainetoMA)

I don’t care about the mainstream media at all at this point. They’ve shown that they’re bought and paid for sensationalists. I follow journalists I trust on Substack and TikTok. I also listen to what Trump says and writes and I have more than I need to discern what’s true.

I threw out the validity of polls after Hilary lost. I think we have to follow the money and we see the value in Harris’ fundraising v. Trumps billionaires backing.

I’m cautiously optimistic for our first Madame Presidency.

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Well said. I turn to the Guardian for that "main stream" reporting.

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Sep 8Liked by Bill Alstrom (MAtoMainetoMA)

Thank you for providing a mathematical basis to my outrage when seeing this so-called piece of journalism this morning. I am so upset by the deteriorating standards of the NYT. I have very reluctantly come to agree with you. It is, indeed, a Rag. It has been a part of my life since before I could even read, for at least 62 years. I may hold on a little longer. Occasionally there are still stories worthy of what I once believed it to be - the recent piece on Sudan and the current piece about NAFTA have really enhanced my understanding of the issues. But otherwise???? Nah.

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I continue to subscribe because it is a resource. Despite the mind bending level of "sane washing" about the MAGAs and Trump, the paper still does some excellent reporting.

But it pisses me off that I have to sort out the "news creation" from the reporting.

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I’m still getting it too because it’s important to know what spin people are reading so I can respond to it but as I wrote further down on this thread …I am starting to conserve my energy because all the facts in the world don’t seem to change a MAGAS heart …they were “groomed” long ago to accept /unacceptable behavior …it is their “normal” …or if they aren’t the enabler then they are the “narcissist “ and I can’t UNSEE that either ! MAGA supporters are telling us who they are …and as heartbreaking as that is …their support is the evidence of who they “really are”!

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Sep 10Liked by Bill Alstrom (MAtoMainetoMA)

New York Times has been on my shit list since 2003 and Judith Miller deciding to carry five-sided Rumsfeld propaganda in exchange for being embedded with our unit searching for the wet smoking gun of WMD in Iraq.

It’s depressing to fast forward 21 years later with the NYT, and their same complacently complicit business model for their sick boardroom version of the 4th estate has placed them in the position of appearing to not understand that the tariffs Don-old Drumpf proposes are not a tax on foreign governments…no more than Mexicans paying for a border wall.

NYT greed and incompetence serves us well as the hyper vigilante indicator to not ever place any trust in any of the polls they touch or are involved in. The more filters or screens used to select polling methods and their sponsors or sources, the better I say. Especially as we all know the only accuracy for gambling is to cut out the middle man and do business direct with Vegas, which I would trust infinitely more than any of these polling agencies anyway. That’s not as flattering to Vegas as it sounds, but I would trust more people along the Strip than I ever would in DC or New York…especially Wall Street.

Fuck the New York Times…

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Sep 8Liked by Bill Alstrom (MAtoMainetoMA)

I would cancel my subscription to NYT but my wife wants to keep it.

More and more I see misspelled words and poor grammar.

I assume they have outsourced their “journalism” to Indian outsourcing firms.

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Sep 8Liked by Bill Alstrom (MAtoMainetoMA)

Good one Bill. Nice piece of mathematical dissection.

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The only true thing Donald Trump has ever said is that the mainstream press is “the enemy of the people”.

But the reason that is a true statement is not what Trump thinks is the reason. If democracy diesafter November’s election, on its tombstone should read “Killed by the New York Times”.

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I'd argue that the Republican nominee is also right that America is in trouble. The fact that half of the country believes he's their best hope is frightening. The news media certainly owns some of that, but each person is responsible for their own mores.

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Not only people who will answer a call from an unknown number, but people who after answering will wait for the actual person to pick up the call when their automatic dialer has been answered.

I will occasionally answer the phone, but I disconnect if there isn't an actual person on the line immmediatly.

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As always , Mahalo /Thank Mr. Bill for sharing your insights .

Sadly …I have reached the point where I am no longer willing to exhaust myself or break my heart talking to “still Trumpers” …I just had a conversation with a friend of mine …an old friend and a person I have loved and respected for years but she STILL clings to IQ45 as a beacon of hope and as “chosen” 🤮She is a Sunday pew kneeler .

I am so disillusioned and heartbroken to finally realize these people are so “broken themselves “ . A little background ; my friend’s mom was a narcissist who would threaten to kill herself ; her dad would then tell my friend to get in the car with her mom to keep her mom from driving off the bridge and killing herself!!!! He said her ; “ mom wouldn’t drive off the bridge and kill herself if she was in the car!?! “ Can you imagine ??she was “groomed” long before the Mango Mussolini ever showed up to always answer the “blind loyalty dog whistle “ and dance to the narcissists tune!

She is one of the “I could shoot someone on fifth Avenue and not lose a single vote” followers because his “blind loyalty dog whistle” resonates with her ! it’s as automatic a response as salivating was for Pavlov’s dogs every time he rang the dinner bell ! However …as sad as her growing up years were it does not excuse who she has become …and I can’t “UNSEE” that any more. I am also not a “bad person” for calling out that kind of blind loyalty and the hate they support …to be silent …to pretend it’s just politics is being complicit and there is just too much at stake. Sadly …I am realizing these conversations are lost causes because they have been “groomed” and they can no longer “critically think” 💔

With the above said …I have no doubt we are going to have a Blue Tsunami of popular votes but it will not matter !!! He has already fixed the electoral college (he tells us he doesn’t need any more votes …it’s “fixed “ so good we will never have to vote again !!) IMHO Biden and the Biden Administration must grow a pair and disqualify him for voter intimidation and being UNFIT …he almost brought us into a nuclear war with Kim Jong Un on January 2, 2018 when he taunted him about whose nuclear button was bigger !! Kim responded 11 days later with a nuclear missile directed at Hawaii !! It was not a “false alarm” …something took out that missile and they have saved us before (look at Chernobyl and Google “laser reduces radiation “) and the government really doesn’t want anyone to know the President of the United States recklessly taunted a madman and it almost resulted in the destruction of millions of lives !!! Trump is “UNFIT” . He is a clear and present danger; every day he walks around proving he is above the law is a mistake !! Take him off the ballot !

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