I agree with everything said. I would add that a vote for a Republican in the next election is a vote for a dictator. If the Republicans take over you can kiss your freedoms away. If they take congress, the country will find out how many impeachments can take place in a short amount of time. And if the Republicans take the Senate you will find out the country actually is going to live in the Dark Ages once again. They lasted almost 900 years from 450-1330. During that time nothing happened except a lot of wars.
Terrific article!!
I agree with everything said. I would add that a vote for a Republican in the next election is a vote for a dictator. If the Republicans take over you can kiss your freedoms away. If they take congress, the country will find out how many impeachments can take place in a short amount of time. And if the Republicans take the Senate you will find out the country actually is going to live in the Dark Ages once again. They lasted almost 900 years from 450-1330. During that time nothing happened except a lot of wars.