Jun 30Liked by Bill Alstrom (MAtoMainetoMA)

Bill, well written as usual, but I must disagree. This would have been great a year ago, but now, I think it's too late. I think Felonious Trump & The MAGAlomaniacs would declare victory and further stir up their base, and the Dems would be deflated.

I also don't think the bench is that deep. I think too many people have just been sitting on the bench, watching President Biden make all the great plays. I also don't think Kamala is ready to be elected. I think she'll do fine if called upon to succeed President Biden during his term, but I don't think she'd win on her own.

As I've written, I think the better strategy is to make the case that President Biden has restored functionality to the presidency that FT decimated, and if something happens to him, we'll be just fine. As I've also written, we should be developing contingency plans, and getting future prospects off the bench and into the game.

President Biden may be past his prime, but he's still doing more good every day for us than most of his predecessors. We need to support him now more than ever to stop the worst of his predecessors from ever setting foot in the Oval Office again.

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I agree Bob, and I think the scenario that was posted a couple of days ago with Justice Sotomayor retiring to senior status, VP Harris being appointed and confirmed as her replacement, and a new (unspecified) Vice President confirmed by the Senate as her replacement and the presumptive Democratic nominee is much more reasonable and likely to succeed. I'm like you in my view of the Democratic bench, there are a lot of people on it who think much better of their chances and their qualifications than I do so I don't have anyone ready to hand as a recommendation especially since the three of us are all too old and, at least for me, not really interested in committing 4 years of slow seppuku.

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Bob and Dave,

First thanks for your thoughtful and civil responses. Appreciated.

Second, it was someone else who posted the Sotomayor/Harris scenario.

Third, here is a short incomplete list of major political figures who are already quite well known as moderate Democrats. More importantly, they can speak clearly, forcefully and often eloquently:

Jon Tester

Sherrod Brown

Amy Klobuchar

Corey Booker

Gretchen Whitmer

Josh Shapiro

Pete Buttigieg

Jared Polis

Raphael Warnock

Andy Beshear

And if you are looking a "firebrand" to burn down the House of Trump?

Gavin Newsom, Jamie Raskin or Kamala Harris

One of the things I try to do is look at life through the lens of the younger generation. Most of the worries about replacing Biden are based on old school politics. There was a time when political contests were won by "retail politics". Candidates would ride a train or fly a plane all over the country in desperate attempts to connect with local concerns.

Those days are over. With a good cyber team, a new candidate with a solid background and a track record of wins could skyrocket to fame within a few days of social media exposure, some late night and news show appearances, and interviews by the major press outlets.

All of that would be on people's phones through social media like TikTok, Youtube, etc. That is where most of America younger than us live. We need to light up the phones with some damned energy.

And what I fail to understand is our lack of challenging the Orange Menace and his outrageous lies and the Heritage Foundation takeover of America - which is about to be completed with project 2025. What the Hell? Biden didn't even mention it! Good grief. Where is his outrage? Where is the publicity that could be destroying the GQP in the news?

JMO, but it is time to pull out the long knives and save America from itself.

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Alstrom (MAtoMainetoMA)

Thanks Bill. That explains why I can't find the reference looking through your recent postings. I agree completely with your penultimate paragraph, but I think that Biden is too much a product of the 60s and 70s to get that aggressive himself. Why he's reined in the VP, Jamie Raskin, and some other potential surrogates who do have that prosecutor's attitude and approach is beyond me. I'm still a fan of retail politics and believe firmly that it's how we'll get the down ballot elections won, if not this cycle, then next or in '28. You are, however, correct about the potential for reaching the younger cohort of the electorate; my daughter is a good example, although she doesn't need to be persuaded either to support Biden or oppose the convicted felon. Ideally, a campaign that can afford multi-million-dollar consultants should be able to walk among the older generation and chew gum with the kids at the same time.

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Alstrom (MAtoMainetoMA)


First thank you for free comment status on here. I’ve read your comments on other leading sites over the past year and generally like and agree with you. I disagree with replacing at this point in time. If the overwhelming majority were right now feeling your and a few others (Hartmann), view point then okay. However, the pulse I’m feeling is hold the line and continue to support President Biden. Trump won before because people were to afraid to support Bernie in my opinion. Fear put Trump in, we must not be afraid. Biden knows how to delegate and run this ship on a steady course. At the debate Trump commented on how Joe Biden hadn’t fired anyone, that’s been so good to me that he hasn’t fired anyone, he doesn’t micromanage. Yes it was a major cluster of a night and one that won’t be forgotten, nothing else to say but try better next time. I have faith all will be well.

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Thanks for participating. I wonder if the DNC will now pull out the stops and launch a continuous series of truth missiles on social media - focused on the litany of lies that Trump rattled off Thursday night. The MSM has let him get off lightly instead of expanding on the horrors and inaccuracies of his bombast.

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I'll concede that there's some depth to the bench, but as I suggested, they've been ridin' the pine, and haven't developed the mojo they'd need. I don't know if that's because President Biden has wanted not to be outshone (which I doubt), there are too many fires burning, poor leadership in the Party, or what. That's something that needs to be investigated and corrected, but now is not the time.

What we're talking about here is an issue of Titanic proportions. We saw the iceberg, but didn't see what was below the water, and hit it. Rather than just jumping overboard or rearranging the deck chairs, I think it's important to stop and consider the implications and unintended consequences of a knee-jerk reaction. Many of the folks you mentioned above are too progressive for moderates, and Independents, for the most part, are moderates.

While you are correct that there's a huge untapped potential in GenZ, and it might be tappable in the ways you outlined, I'd be concerned about the offsetting turnoff of older folks, and losing more than we'd gain.

I'd much rather put my efforts into bailing the water, isolating the ballast chambers, planning for an orderly evacuation in the future, and keeping the ship afloat until November 6.

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I think the bench is deep with so many but tanking the Biden ticket now would cause chaos as folks scramble to make their case for one or another candidate

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Alstrom (MAtoMainetoMA)

Bill, I have almost always agreed with your comments but I heartily disagree with this one. I strongly support your right to speak your mind and state your opinion but I also think it's unwise and destructive. I don't think Biden is going to step down, so every plea to do so only works toward electing Trump again. I don't think it's ego driving Biden's decision. In fact, I think Biden comes from a generation and moral group that finds it difficult to sing their own praises (which is a problem), so although I do think he's still confident in his abilities to lead our country, I feel confident he's accepting the kind of assistance in terms of advisors and delegation that makes it possible to keep up the burden as well or even better than almost anyone else you will find out there. I do like Kamala Harris and think she's going to also be competent to take over should the need arise. Do you discount her presence on the ticket? She is included in every oval office morning briefing when she's in town, which is in order to keep her up on events, information and reasoning. I'd go into how 45 conducted his morning briefings except I realize you are adamantly against ever having him in office again and expect you are envisioning someone else taking up the nomination. That person isn't out there. The top contenders have not polled as well as Biden against 45, all of them who I have heard anything from have rejected the idea (Gavin Newsome is especially adamant). Young people who reject Biden on the strength of his age and currently perceived stamina will be exposed to his more vigorous speeches over the next four months (may I repeat that - Four Months) and should be at least equally anxious over climate change and personal bodily freedoms, LGBTQ+ rights and a host of other issues where the GOP does not fare well with the youth vote. Many DEM commentators are wailing and gnashing teeth but so are double the number of GOP commentators and if they thought dems would lose if we stick with Biden don't you think they'd be trying to convince us to keep him? Many influential more liberal commentators are saying they still support Biden. Listen to Lawrence O'Donnell for one. Four months to raise a campaign fund and introduce yourself to the American people? All that imaginary person would have going for them would be a clean slate and the votes of "never Trumpers". Biden has a four year record and the support and advice and shouldering of responsibilities by accomplished, experienced, expert people on an already assembled team. Have you read "What Did Biden Do Today?" recently? I'd challenge any of us to keep up. One bad night, everyone gets sick now and then, four months to go... wait a few more days and keep watching before trying to influence things against Biden, K?

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Thanks for your well thought out comment. And yes, one of the many reasons I PERSONALLY would be comfortable with Biden's re-election is the presence of VP Harris. She is extremely capable and in the unfortunate case of Biden needing to step down, we would be in excellent hands. She is a force.

Yes, young people "should" see Biden as the only choice vs the Cretin. But I fear they are not inspired and don't understand history well - too many just see it as contest between old guys. Large percentages of them don't know anything about the Holocaust, don't understand how our country is constructed, what a president can or can't do. Civics has been abandoned for code.

As to fund raising, the new candidate would benefit from the Biden campaign chest and many if not most of the reluctant donors who have remained on the sidelines would start raining money in a matter hours or days.

Again, Biden's record is stellar. I love the guy. But we need to read the tea leaves here and look at the facts. Joe is a weak candidate in the minds of young people. And it's their future. It's a lot more than just one bad night.

Thanks again for weighing in. Democracy is messy. I'll vote Blue No Matter Who.

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I hear contradictory things about how any transfer of funds or donation from "chest" to "chest" would or legally could work, and how much, and I don't think "it's more than one night" in terms of Biden's performance (a significant word right there) as opposed to being in terms of the MAGA/GOP attack machine - I think no matter who the Democratic candidate is, the GOP and MAGA mouthpieces will tear that person down; emphasizing any perceived or made up imperfection while ignoring the elephantine issues with their own candidate, as they did with the Hur "proof" of Biden's mental fogginess. I read that document and to my eye it truly did not show decline: Five hours' of interviewing scheduled so it conflicted with and was conducted during an international crisis, with the only misstatements being extremely minor and one "forgetfulness" example being the year his son died. I can't tell you the year my father died although it was much more recent. My point being I don't think there's "a lot more than just one bad night" so much as there's a powerful disinformation machine working on smearing any DEM candidate which will work just as hard or perhaps harder on any alternative candidate.

Anyway, we continue to disagree on this one issue, but at least we each know why. I will continue to read your newsletters with great interest, and hope that having aired your plea you will now turn your magnificent verbal persuasion skills, if unable for now to promote Biden as candidate, at least to educating people about the history and issues you mention that you feel Americans are poorly educated on, in bad need of reminding about, or insufficiently aware of the relevance of to today's situation. Push Democracy, no matter who. You have one vote but many ears.

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I respectfully disagree with you.

Let’s not forget all the capable appointees and cabinet President Biden has put together and leads.

Not only VP Harris, but many. This is a strong point for this administration.

We must publicly change and stop making idols, gods and superheroes out of our presidency.

The truth is the president doesn’t act alone, unless he’s giving a speech. He upholds dignity. The solo, I’m gonna handle it Marlboro man image needs to be buried on the lone prairie. It’s full of contempt. We need to raise our dignity index. We need to demonstrate that by standing behind Joe Biden and stop waiting to see what happens.

Democrats showing up as a team, visually and vocally would work, with Biden at the helm.

I wouldn’t dignify DT with another invitation to debate because he lied through it, barely answered a question with a direct answer, if he even bothered at all. In my view, he was the candidate that got my attention. I thought… “dang, he’s even worse than what people say he is… eeeeiuuuu…”

We need to stand behind Presidents based upon their record. If Biden dies trying, we have solid young people with experienced advisors to cover it.

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Agreed on all that you say. And another debate is an exercise in futility.

My worry is that despite our great admiration for Biden, he won't get young people to vote. And we might lose as a result.

Thanks for jumping in. I get your points.

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Jul 1Liked by Bill Alstrom (MAtoMainetoMA)

And I understand your concern as well. As far as young people, we should be asking them how we can do this WITH the current president elect, put them in charge of getting out their own vote, and support them. I want a new one, when the old one’s not shiny but working fine is another mental construct that makes no sense. I would try a social media campaign that sends that message. The advertising agencies, the meme, the artists. The musicians and those that lead. Support a message that elevates respect dignity and value. Show people Tim Shriver of the special Olympics committee does this. Check out the speech given in 2023 (on you tube) to the University of Utah.

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Also, we don’t give up our individual creativity and selves when we collaborate, or we lose the point. We work together to mend the social fabric.

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Alstrom (MAtoMainetoMA)

Bill, you obviously did not read the latest Simon Rosenberg. Biden's numbers have not been hurt by the debate. Reagan, Obama, and several other big winners had bad debates before they won.

And all changing horses in the middle of the race would do would be to give the race to the GOP. Penny Chenery never would have done that!!! (Google her. Besides being the daughter of a friend of my late father, she is quite famous.)

Yours is a desperate plea, and that desperation will get us nowhere. Sticking to Secretariat will get us where we need to go!

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Thanks for the comment David. I'm a Hopium subscriber and I love Simon's optimism.

My feelings did not originate Thursday night. They are the results of listening to and reading about younger voters. I think most are simply disgusted that they must choose from two people who could be their great grandfathers. They feel excluded.

If the dust settles on this soon, you'll continue to hear me support Biden/Harris.

You and I and many others participate on substack threads where I suspect the average age is post retirement. A bubble of wisdom perhaps, but it doesn't include a huge segment of younger people who don't read long form articles. They scroll their phones for entertainment and news bits and pieces. Their information is curated by AI.

IMO, this election campaign should officially kick off around Labor Day. But we started three years ago.

I hope Simon is right. The Earth depends on the results.

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Well stated! Thank you

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Alstrom (MAtoMainetoMA)

Bill, I’m sure this was a difficult piece to write. I appreciate your candor and I believe the President will do whatever he and skilled advisors decide as a plan of action after they look at the total landscape. It may be as you suggested or it may be decided that his moving forward with Kamala by his side is the strongest decision. In either case, voting BLUE is our only option.

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Thank you. VERY difficult to write, to say the least. As I opened with, Biden is the best president in my lifetime.

Changing horses midstream has always been ill advised.

But these are not normal times. Only the quick to adapt will dodge the attacks on our Constitution and democracy itself.

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Alstrom (MAtoMainetoMA)

Quote from my letter, not directed AT you personally, Bill…

“Replace Biden now? At this late stage? Where the fuck were the privileged moderate and progressive motherfuckers calling for this a year ago when opportunity was idea and favorable to changing candidates? A year to 18 months ago when it would be similar to the great decision my favorite bigot LBJ made to not run again, freeing him up to do more presidential stuff and not be stressed with re-electability. Closer to a time when people could remember Biden saying he didn’t want a second term? Then it rains in an empty CNN studio and these privileged moderates and progressives (key word, privileged) heads get wet, they lose their shit and they claim to be drowning. Welcome to the revolution…I guess. At best, all they are offering is another brick in the rucksack for a repeat of the unstable and violent convention times of the 1960s. Because that’s what we need as dress rehearsal for January 6th part fucking two! Doubt me? Hold my beer as we watch GOP operatives and militia act to make that violence and instability persist.”


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Wow. No personal offense taken. I read your piece and was impressed with the energy and truths you presented. You are right about the "debate prep". Joe could have gone in with NO prep and simply called out every statement (incoherent nonsensical lies) for the bullshit it was. Briefly. And stop.

Then he he could have just poured his natural good heart out there for us all to connect with.

I will be ridin' with Biden if he sticks with it.

But I think it is ridiculous that my generation is still pulling the levers of power and have excluded folks that are younger and more adept at gaining support from folks that are even younger!

Thanks for joining the chat.

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And thank you, Sir.

I appreciate a Boomer who is willing to give the car keys over to young folk.

Being a Gen Xer my damn self, there are plenty of us whom have not learned to progress yet either!

I had some additional thoughts in case you’re interested. It’s “energetic” also.



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I just posted this in a thread on Robert Hubbell's newsletter. I hope it catches on.

I'm not ready to write President Biden's epitaph, but I'd gladly write Felonious Trump's: "Here Lies."

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Bill,I have to disagree strongly with your argument:

Biden has an admittedly 'off night' and the Dem support just shrivels like a shock of cold water on their collective bal#$! You need to see and hear the substance of what he says and does, and has been doing for the past 3 1/2 years and ask yourself,' why isn't the media DEMANDING that Trump step away, as his egregious behavior and MUCHORE EVIDENT mental decline is so much worse? Why is so much credence given to polls anyway? Forget the polls, there are too many variables and complications on trying to game an outcome based on them rather than real life voting.

IF Biden decides himself to step down, I will fully support Harris.

I am just so disappointed at the weakness shown by our side crumbling so quickly..

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Alstrom (MAtoMainetoMA)

Deb, I agree. Why aren’t we asking the R’s to demand their lying, cheating, corrupt felon step down. Definitely not qualified to be president as he’s proven for the last 9 years!!

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Isn't that the question of the century? With McCain or Romney, I thought either one would allow me to sleep at night if elected. I hated many of their policies, but I wouldn't have been ashamed as an American citizen.

Republicans are breaking the codes of basic morality. And they frost that poisonous cake with phony religious righteousness.

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Deb, thanks for joining the conversation. I do see the accomplishments and the goals of team Biden. I applaud them and I admire the man.

It's not about me or my generation. Two things.

Of all the generations, young people are more likely to support the values we share. They grew up with diversity and choice as givens. They are much more likely to vote Blue.

But they are also the least likely to vote. And too many of them are completely turned off by both candidates.

We need a younger leader who can inspire - we need a JFK moment.

Again, it is not about my understanding of Bidens fine qualities and accomplishments. It's that the more I read, the more I see one or two generations unconvinced that their votes matter.

It takes a powerful orator to wake them up. Maybe the people I listed above will step up their attacks on The Orange Menace and that will help.

I am still appalled that the Biden campaign isn't waging a publicity war about Project 2025. Even if Trump chokes on a cheeseburger today, it will still be a forever threat.

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Bill, like some of the others who have already posted, I respectfully disagree with you on this issue. I have agreed with everything that you have so thoughtfully written up until this letter you have written to Biden. And I would only be repetitive to restate what has already been so seriously and carefully said by the others who disagree with you. From your repeated posts here, it seems your main sticking point is our youth and how they will vote, and that is a concern for sure. One of the reasons they are so impatient is this: 4 years out of their age is a much larger percentage of relative time for them. For us (I am also 78), although a lot can happen in 4 years, they also can be over in a flash! Young people do not have the life experience to understand that yet. We have lived through 4 horrible years before of presidencies I need not specify to this audience. Our youth lacks historical perspective. Rather than giving into their demands for a younger candidate, I suggest we spend our time informing them more of the distinct dangers of losing our democracy should Trump become president. And for that reason alone, encouraging them to vote for a Blue ticket is essential. Not to vote at all is not an option this time around! They have to understand that. And to be schooled on what Biden has accomplished so far that does benefit them and the fact that Biden has such an excellent, tried and true Cabinet who will continue the work that has already been started. Getting a new Dem in there now would be reinventing the wheel and would take an inordinate amount of time. We simply do not have that luxury. And, even though this has been said already, I have to state again that Biden is not making the decision to run again from ego! He truly does want to finish what he has begun. And he is well respected internationally. That alone is hard to replace. Let us not abandon him due to one 90 minute unfortunate debate. Let us rather look at his legacy so far in his 3 and a half years!

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Thanks for your well expressed response.

This will be resolved very soon. If Joe weathers this storm, he will have my complete support. I will be applauding his accomplishments either way.

I think what several analysts have said will come to pass. Biden has a few close advisor/friends who will influence him one way or the other.

Thanks again for your thoughts.

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Thanks for your always thoughtful replies and the column anyway🤗

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30


Absolutely an excellent appeal to President Biden. Thank you.

I hope we don't have another "Ginsberg" catastrophe on our hands where ego overwhelms rational thought.

Biden is 81. Today. Definitely too old to ship out with US Troops, ride a bicycle or motorcycle, run or even walk well (in fact Biden was helped off of the state by his wife at the debate).

But, Bill, I do think we are headed for another ego charged disaster like Ruth Bader gave us by not retiring under Obama and then sleeping on the Bench her last few years until a right wing nut filled her slot.

Biden's ego apparently eclipses his intelligence and good judgement. Like Ruth Bader.

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If RBG had a Vice SCOTUS who took over when she could not or died, this would made sense as an analogy but since she did not, it does not.

I doubt "ship out with US Troops, ride a bicycle or motorcycle, run" or even golf (sheesh) has anything at all to do with being President or is anything we will ever ask or even allow our President to do, and as to walking... well, one of our best Presidents ever was in a wheel chair. I don't see being taken by the arm by your wife in a supporting (emotional and physically and loving) way after a bad debate performance as being too debilitated to run the country since clearly he was back on stage and performing well by later that night and the next day. Your criteria are questionable.

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Thank you for your eloquent and loving plea.

Count me among those who fully agree.

Thank you for not being in denial.

I love President Biden

but he is not the force needed to defeat Trump.

The path forward to do so

will be led by one of those you named

--probably a governor.

I hope it will be Whitmer.

Taylor Swift will endorse the new candidate

and call forth the young.

The passion needed to defeat Trump

will emerge at last!

Together all who love democracy

more than Party

will unite to give America

a new birth of freedom.

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