I am publishing this to correct a misunderstanding and share with you something that seems to be trending lately: The CON.
I wrote this piece about Sacheen Littlefeather in August. We felt proud of her. But I have just read that she was a liar. The article below reflects interviews with her two sisters. They have no Indigenous American blood. Sacheen was a con artist and a liar. What she spoke of - how Native Americans have been mistreated is absolutely true. But now that she has passed, her family has exposed her for what she was.
Wow. And sad. Read the article below. She was a “pretendian”.
Sacheen Littlefeather explained in the SF Chronicle
Wow. My husband is Native American, and is on the tribal roll, has his certificate and card. It’s amazing that she, and others, aren’t/ haven’t been more thoroughly vetted. Good work.