Please watch this video. If only Mallory McMorrow were a US Senator! Or maybe POTUS? This powerful video should be shared widely.
I found the video on Robert Hubbell’s “Today’s Edition. Which I highly recommend for daily reading - facts and analysis with a realistic and optimistic tone. I have pasted below Robert’s “Concluding Thoughts”.
“A couple dozen readers sent me a link to a speech by Michigan State Senator Mallory McMorrow. A Republican in the Michigan Senate sent a fundraising letter accusing McMorrow of being a pedophile, alleging she was “grooming” kindergartners for sex. Why did McMorrow’s opponent make that accusation? Because McMorrow walked out of the Senate during a “prayer” led by the Republican legislator that attacked LGBTQ students.
McMorrow took to the Senate floor and delivered a fiery rebuttal that has gone viral. I urge you to watch the entire speech (ten minutes) if you can. See YouTube, Sen. Mallory McMorrow shows everyone how to deal with Republican hate in powerful speech, McMorrow’s key point is this:
I know that hate can win only if people like me stand by and let it happen.
Some Republicans do hateful things because they believe there will be no consequences for the actions. McMorrow’s opponent no doubt regrets that she aimed her hate at Mallory McMorrow—a courageous woman who refused to “stand by and let it happen.” If each of us had a little more of Mallory McMorrow’s passion and fighting spirit, there would be less hateful speech and the world would be a better, safer place.”
Thank you Bill Ahlstrom (we "meet" on HCR's comments). Thanks for posting this. Haven't read Robert for today.
Mallory McMorrow’s breathtaking, brilliant address was aimed directly at her accuser who turned her head and would not make eye contact with Sen. McMorrow. Watch the video!